About the Journal

Published and edited by: INEDU-UNSA
Bibliographic information:  ISSN: 2961-2047 /  ISSN-e: 2961-2144
Frequency:  1 issue per year, December 31 of each year
Content access policy:  open access
Subjects: training, education, learning, teaching, psychology

The "Revista Agustina de Educación" is a biannual scientific periodical published by the Institute for Research, Innovation and Development of Educational Sciences of the Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa. It is addressed to researchers, teachers and professionals related to Education and other complementary disciplines of the social sciences. The purpose is to disseminate scientific research and promote academic reflection related to the educational field, to contribute to the training and development of teachers and to disseminate updated lines of thought, seeking to generate the exchange of research results and the discussion of ideas in the field of education.

It is a peer-reviewed publication that uses the system of external peer review, in accordance with the APA 7.0 (American Psychological Association) publication standards.