Rethinking the disciplinary organization in the university, an approximate critique from the complexity approach
Knowledge, complexity, organization, university, societyAbstract
The proposed criticism calls into question the organization of knowledge in the university as an institution that creates and re-creates knowledge, seeking to contextualize it within society. For this, the complexity approach is appealed, as an alternative through which a brief retrospective review of the principles that gave rise to the formalized disciplinary organization in the university structure is carried out. Its implications and limitations to face the problems that still afflict humanity are discussed. Through the principles associated with complexity such as the systemic, hologrammatic, retro-actional, recursive principle, self-organization, the dialogic; and reintroduction, some admittedly debatable reflections have been tested that may contribute to harnessing the power and action of disciplinary knowledge in an attempt at fruitful dialogue through synaptic interface-type mechanisms. The annotated meditations suggest that it is possible to try to rethink the organization of knowledge while respecting the disciplines, suggesting at the same time creating responses from a philosophical, epistemological and methodological level, which can respond to the complexity of the overlapping realities, in which labyrinth also the university is located.
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