Social Complexity and Higher Education. Agent-Based Critical Analysis




Complexity, Higher education, Agents


The purpose of this article is to develop a proposal for a critical analysis of social evolution and education from a complexity perspective. For this, it begins with the con­ceptualization of knowledge as an intrinsic value of individuals and organizations, so its development is conceiving the construction and unders­tanding of what is known as the “Knowledge Society”. A theoretical approach is made on the evolutionary pro­cesses that affect society and how these give practices to the use of technology and innovation in this new so­cial order that ultimately impacts education. Likewise, the development of a case study is carried out using agents to evaluate the problem-solving process in the Knowledge Society 5.0 in a higher education institution, this exemplifies the need to consider the study with a complexity approach, entropy elimination and sustaina­bility agenda. It should be noted that in this case, the agents (teacher and student) use BDI principles and adhere to the Sakellariou library (2008). Finally, it is observed that, under the parameters entered empiri­cally, approximately 15 percent reaches the generation of knowledge, it should be considered that this result may vary if the institutions define policies and actions to take in order to increase motivation and disposition of students towards the process of knowledge creation


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How to Cite

Ahumada-Tello, E., & Ramos, K. (2021). Social Complexity and Higher Education. Agent-Based Critical Analysis. Journal Sciences of Complexity, 2(Edición Especial), 51–59.