Complex Management: From Hierarchy to Complex Networks and Heterarchy




Complexity, non-linearity, life, democracy, trust


This paper studies how management is possible understood under the scope of complexity theory, i.e. complexity science. Such management goes hand in hand with relation and an understanding of nature, not just of human affairs, which is the way in which management has been classical grasped along the history of the western world. Complexity management consists thus in distancing from hierarchic, pyramidal and centralized systems towards dynamics characterized by complex networks and heter­archy. The claim here is that complexity management does not know of control and, thereafter, it leads toward self-organization or also to trust. The two-axis that appear ad ground or also all leading threads for complexity management, namely complex net­works and heterarchy, entail that management at large must know about anthropology, epigraphy, ethnology and ethnography, micro-history and not just about the typical approaches that emerge from engineering.


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How to Cite

Maldonado Portilla, C. E. (2021). Complex Management: From Hierarchy to Complex Networks and Heterarchy. Journal Sciences of Complexity, 2(Edición Especial), 67–77.