
  • Mauro Montealegre Cárdenas Universidad Surcolombiana, Neiva
  • Jasmidt Vera Cuenca Universidad Surcolombiana, Neiva



Ecopedagogy, creative mathematics, abductive reasoning, non-linear curricula


Given the trend in Colombia of disjointed, fragmented and decontextualized learning, the Master’s Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies of the Surcolombiana University recognizes contexts for the teaching community with complex mode approaches recognizing emotional environments, understanding, transdisciplinarity, non-linear curricula and self-organizing evaluation; in which the pedagogical action close to everyday life operates as an interdefined autopoietic system between ecopedagogy, abductive communication, artistic imagination, sciences as complex adaptive systems and creative mathematics close to life. Metacognitive processes are stimulated with modeling in problem solving.


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How to Cite

Montealegre Cárdenas, M., & Vera Cuenca, J. (2022). TOWARDS THE PEDAGOGY OF COMPLEXITY. Journal Sciences of Complexity, 3(1), 79–84.



Research articles
