Towards the Creation of a Simulator as an Innovation to Address Complexity




Innovation, Simulator, Complexity


This article addresses the importance of innovation to create tools that help solve complex problems. In this, creating a simulator that allows the abstraction of contexts with high uncertainty to simplify them and be able to have a better treatment to re­duce their complexity stands out as an innovative tool. For this, a justification of the development of the simulator is made. Likewise, the methodology used in each of the development phases is described. The contribution of the simulator as innovation is highlighted, having an impact on having a more reasonable and explicit judgment to analyze and evaluate the importance of simulation for the compression of complexity. Finally, it is discussed and concluded by addressing future work.


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How to Cite

Rosales Cisneros, R. F., Plascencia López, I., & Ramírez Ramírez, M. (2021). Towards the Creation of a Simulator as an Innovation to Address Complexity. Journal Sciences of Complexity, 2(Edición Especial), 61–66.

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