The Supply Chain: A Review Of The Literature 2018-2023


  • Andy William Castillo Diaz César Vallejo University


Supply chain, Logistics, Quality, Supply chain management, Trends, Green supply chain, Innovation


The supply chain is a fundamental concept in the business world since it refers to all the activities and
processes involved in the production and distribution of goods and services. In recent years, researchers
and academics have become increasingly interested in better understanding this field, and this systematic
review provides a comprehensive overview of recent developments in the field of supply chains.
Numerous studies and research carried out by reputed experts on the subject are cited, which improves
the credibility of the article's content.
In conclusion, the systematic literature review reveals that supply chains have experienced significant
changes and trends during the study period. Integration, adoption of emerging technologies,
sustainability and risk management are key components of supply chain success.





Review articles